It is a certain phenomenon once something evil generates; over a time, it goes through black-white evolutions__ that radically could change the cultural, social and psychological compositions of a population over successive generations. Somalia is a by-word country for inhuman, barbarous and heinous civil war__ and during the last two decades, it had been making its place in the world-news banner headlines. Somali culture and religion (Islam) go hand in hand and never crosses each other. However, the world’s illegitimate and hypocritical political interventions in Somalia brokered by the front line countries have yielded a new, but an unprecedented fashion of war mongered by the most notorious international terrorists in the name of Islam. This has absolutely derailed the Somali conventional warring-systems and invited a hollow calamity. Today, Somalia is said to be the new African Iraq or Afghanistan with regard to its ongoing reckless type of war, every shot is fired at human cost__ and the lives of the innocent people are taken in both fleet and individual manner. Somalia is a country disappeared into shapeless, untraceable political dust storm orchestrated by western collective powers.
The Al-Qaida claimed Trojan horse in Somalia “Al-Shabaab”__ has snagged a bare sword in a vacuum power to log, amputate and decapitate the helpless, hopeless and needy people scattered across the bed of the tinny war tone country. The plague of which would no longer be confined within the boundaries of the country, but pose a clear threat to the entire region. It is a widely acknowledged fact that terrorism is a psychological problem with a serious radical mission; a mission without clear vision; a mission that heals one’s heaven hunger with life loses of the innocent people; a mission that is accomplished by hypnotized youngsters; a mission named religious obligation but satanic in nature.
The Somali fragile government presided by Sheikh Ahmed__ was about to lose its last standing leg and pleaded a 24 hour swift military interventions from the front line countries to help them revive their globally supported government. To the contrary, Al-Shabaab vowed that any foreign interventions would cause the invaders to have their bodies sent back in coffins to their respective homelands. On the other hand, Al-Shabaab’s claim for being responsible the suicide attack in Baladwayne during the last week__ which has taken the lives of more than 80 people.... was neither the first nor the last of its type undertaken by them. Unlike Somalia and its semi-autonomous region of Puntland__ Somaliland is still healing the physical and psychological scars reached by the last year Oct, 29th untimely serial terrorist explosions that claimed the precious lives of dozens of beloved ones, mothers, fathers, kids, teenagers, etc. It shattered the future of many families; transformed many abled to disabled; traumatized the people in the city__ and dropped a moment of unforgettable fear and insecurity into the hearts of the nation at large. In one way or the other, this was a wake-up call for the region and helped the people understood what terrorism is meant by, their goals and disguised images. It helped the nation feel how this wave (terror) has embittered the millions of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine.
Here is the bottom line; the survival of the Somali people is not only a regional responsibility but a global obligation as well. However, the world must now put the right shoe on the right feet, come up with a new global policy towards Somalia__ and of course lift the unfair cover off the recognition of the Republic of Somaliland__ that is one of the crucial missing pillars from the peace process and stability many times sought for Somalia. Somalia is a government in search for a country__ whereas; Somaliland is a government in a stable country in search for an international recognition. Surely, if the world keeps defiant from the fact that Al-Qaida stooges are overtaking the Somali people and power, the plague would first hit hard Puntland, then Somaliland and the region at large.
By: Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar
Posted 23-june-2009 on,,,,, and on 27th Jun 09.
The Al-Qaida claimed Trojan horse in Somalia “Al-Shabaab”__ has snagged a bare sword in a vacuum power to log, amputate and decapitate the helpless, hopeless and needy people scattered across the bed of the tinny war tone country. The plague of which would no longer be confined within the boundaries of the country, but pose a clear threat to the entire region. It is a widely acknowledged fact that terrorism is a psychological problem with a serious radical mission; a mission without clear vision; a mission that heals one’s heaven hunger with life loses of the innocent people; a mission that is accomplished by hypnotized youngsters; a mission named religious obligation but satanic in nature.
The Somali fragile government presided by Sheikh Ahmed__ was about to lose its last standing leg and pleaded a 24 hour swift military interventions from the front line countries to help them revive their globally supported government. To the contrary, Al-Shabaab vowed that any foreign interventions would cause the invaders to have their bodies sent back in coffins to their respective homelands. On the other hand, Al-Shabaab’s claim for being responsible the suicide attack in Baladwayne during the last week__ which has taken the lives of more than 80 people.... was neither the first nor the last of its type undertaken by them. Unlike Somalia and its semi-autonomous region of Puntland__ Somaliland is still healing the physical and psychological scars reached by the last year Oct, 29th untimely serial terrorist explosions that claimed the precious lives of dozens of beloved ones, mothers, fathers, kids, teenagers, etc. It shattered the future of many families; transformed many abled to disabled; traumatized the people in the city__ and dropped a moment of unforgettable fear and insecurity into the hearts of the nation at large. In one way or the other, this was a wake-up call for the region and helped the people understood what terrorism is meant by, their goals and disguised images. It helped the nation feel how this wave (terror) has embittered the millions of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine.
Here is the bottom line; the survival of the Somali people is not only a regional responsibility but a global obligation as well. However, the world must now put the right shoe on the right feet, come up with a new global policy towards Somalia__ and of course lift the unfair cover off the recognition of the Republic of Somaliland__ that is one of the crucial missing pillars from the peace process and stability many times sought for Somalia. Somalia is a government in search for a country__ whereas; Somaliland is a government in a stable country in search for an international recognition. Surely, if the world keeps defiant from the fact that Al-Qaida stooges are overtaking the Somali people and power, the plague would first hit hard Puntland, then Somaliland and the region at large.
By: Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar
Posted 23-june-2009 on,,,,, and on 27th Jun 09.
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