
Monday, July 13, 2009

Open Letter to U.S. Congressman Mr. Donald Payne of New Jersey

Letter to Congressman Donald M. Payne – Somaliland Forum

To: Congressman Donald Payne, Chairman
Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health
2310 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, District of Columbia 20515

Dear Mr. Chairman,
Somaliland Forum thanks you greatly for your genuine concern for the suffering people of Somalia. As Somalia’s neighbor, Somaliland is equally pleased that you urged the many Somalia factions to focus on the needs of the Somali people while respecting the peace, security and governance of their country. It is our hope they heed your concerns.

Respectfully, we would like to bring your attention to the choice the people of Somaliland made in contrast to Somalia. Since 1991, Somaliland went on to build a stable and a democratic nation in East Africa without much help from the international community, including the United States.
Three Somaliland Presidents have been elected, as have Parliamentarians and regions in Somaliland continue to elect their mayors, counselors and other representatives. These elections have all taken place under the watchful eyes of international observers. The next presidential elections will take place in September 2009.

It has been documented on numerous occasions and many fact-finding missions concluded Somaliland has achieved greatly. In fact, John Drysdale, a United Nations adviser, wrote in the Economist magazine in 1995 “Somaliland is the only Country in the region that really works”. The people of Somaliland understood building their nation rested solely with them and as a result have not become a burden to the world community.

Mr. Chairman, Somaliland became independent in June 26, 1960. After Somalia was granted her independence in July of that year, Somaliland initiated a “Union” with Somalia in the hopes of a greater “Somali Republic”. In return, Somaliland received 30 years of disastrous policies that saw the aerial bombardment of cities, the massacre of over 50,000 innocent people, and the displacement of over 1,000,000 and the systemic humiliation of the people of Somaliland. Amnesty International documented these atrocities.
As a consequence, Somaliland decided to withdraw from the “Union” and Somaliland was not legally bound as the Union was never officially formed. Somaliland citizens voted overwhelmingly – with 97% approval – for their Constitution which called for the restoration of the Republic of Somaliland.

Mr. Chairman, Somaliland takes no solace in the suffering of the people in Somalia because it’s our hope that a stable and a democratic nation emerges. Somaliland believes in a peaceful coexistence with its neighbors and will work toward that goal.
Somaliland does not deserve the threat of isolation but rather the true engagement and alliance from the government of the United States of America. America pledges to support those who embrace democracy. There is no better opportunity to illustrate that pledge than with Somaliland. Somaliland Forum considers the language that came out of the June 25th hearings a momentary lapse and not the policy of the U.S. government. The tone set by a U.S. policy maker could have unintended consequences in the volatile region of the Horn.

Finally, Mr. Chairman, Somaliland Forum urges your subcommittee to undertake a fact-finding mission to Somaliland as you have to Somalia. Somaliland’s decision to restore its independence is neither reversible nor open to negotiation. Somaliland does not interfere in the affairs of Somalia and the U.S. continually infusing the two nations does little to advance peace and stability.

Thank you greatly,
The Somaliland Forum

Somaliland Forum is a nonpartisan and an independent organization that brings together Somaliland citizens in the Diaspora. The Forum helps Somaliland Communities and friends around the globe to work together and contribute to the socioeconomic and political development of the Republic of Somaliland. For more information about the Somaliland Forum please visit

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Somalia’s Terrorist plague pandemic poses imminent Danger to the Region

It is a certain phenomenon once something evil generates; over a time, it goes through black-white evolutions__ that radically could change the cultural, social and psychological compositions of a population over successive generations. Somalia is a by-word country for inhuman, barbarous and heinous civil war__ and during the last two decades, it had been making its place in the world-news banner headlines. Somali culture and religion (Islam) go hand in hand and never crosses each other. However, the world’s illegitimate and hypocritical political interventions in Somalia brokered by the front line countries have yielded a new, but an unprecedented fashion of war mongered by the most notorious international terrorists in the name of Islam. This has absolutely derailed the Somali conventional warring-systems and invited a hollow calamity. Today, Somalia is said to be the new African Iraq or Afghanistan with regard to its ongoing reckless type of war, every shot is fired at human cost__ and the lives of the innocent people are taken in both fleet and individual manner. Somalia is a country disappeared into shapeless, untraceable political dust storm orchestrated by western collective powers.
The Al-Qaida claimed Trojan horse in Somalia “Al-Shabaab”__ has snagged a bare sword in a vacuum power to log, amputate and decapitate the helpless, hopeless and needy people scattered across the bed of the tinny war tone country. The plague of which would no longer be confined within the boundaries of the country, but pose a clear threat to the entire region. It is a widely acknowledged fact that terrorism is a psychological problem with a serious radical mission; a mission without clear vision; a mission that heals one’s heaven hunger with life loses of the innocent people; a mission that is accomplished by hypnotized youngsters; a mission named religious obligation but satanic in nature.
The Somali fragile government presided by Sheikh Ahmed__ was about to lose its last standing leg and pleaded a 24 hour swift military interventions from the front line countries to help them revive their globally supported government. To the contrary, Al-Shabaab vowed that any foreign interventions would cause the invaders to have their bodies sent back in coffins to their respective homelands. On the other hand, Al-Shabaab’s claim for being responsible the suicide attack in Baladwayne during the last week__ which has taken the lives of more than 80 people.... was neither the first nor the last of its type undertaken by them. Unlike Somalia and its semi-autonomous region of Puntland__ Somaliland is still healing the physical and psychological scars reached by the last year Oct, 29th untimely serial terrorist explosions that claimed the precious lives of dozens of beloved ones, mothers, fathers, kids, teenagers, etc. It shattered the future of many families; transformed many abled to disabled; traumatized the people in the city__ and dropped a moment of unforgettable fear and insecurity into the hearts of the nation at large. In one way or the other, this was a wake-up call for the region and helped the people understood what terrorism is meant by, their goals and disguised images. It helped the nation feel how this wave (terror) has embittered the millions of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine.
Here is the bottom line; the survival of the Somali people is not only a regional responsibility but a global obligation as well. However, the world must now put the right shoe on the right feet, come up with a new global policy towards Somalia__ and of course lift the unfair cover off the recognition of the Republic of Somaliland__ that is one of the crucial missing pillars from the peace process and stability many times sought for Somalia. Somalia is a government in search for a country__ whereas; Somaliland is a government in a stable country in search for an international recognition. Surely, if the world keeps defiant from the fact that Al-Qaida stooges are overtaking the Somali people and power, the plague would first hit hard Puntland, then Somaliland and the region at large.

By: Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar
Posted 23-june-2009 on,,,,, and on 27th Jun 09.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Somaliland is Celebrating Yet an Other Hopeful Year of Independence ; the May 18TH 2009.

As Somalia is gaining infamy as a haven of terrorism and sophisticated modern buccaneers, its smaller, developing and peaceful neighbor ( Somaliland ) is still pleading for international recognition. Somaliland “a former British Protectorate State ” reclaimed its independence back after 31 years of painful marriage on 18th May 1991. This May 18th marks the 18th anniversary of the revival of Somaliland . All Somlilanders in and around the world are in a jubilant mood for the commemorations and celebrations of this remarkable national day.

A 3.8 million strong populated country of an area equal to the Britain has single handedly executed free and fair presidential, local councils and parliamentary elections based on multi-party political system. It has its own national currency, security system, portfolios and courts but no place/seat at the United Nations. Owing to the lack of the international recognition the country is not entitled to acquire any loan from the World Bank or the other international community to utilize for its national concerns. Live stock exports constitutes the biggest economic muscle but still suffering from the Gulf ban for what every single Somalilander believes to have meant an indirect suppression for them to keep with the other war tone part (Somalia). Somaliland sustains on only the meager ports, customs and local tax collections but geographically lies in a bed full of untapped natural resources. In fact, it is a young neglected democratic Arabian country in east Africa with a hopeful and promising people.

Here is the bottom line, as Somalia is forcing its way on to the world’s news agenda as a typical failed state, where a new war order has erupted as the Islamic government is in fait with Islamic groups; where power-hunger and civilian blood shed became a daily routine activity but abusive to the religion of Islam which is peace by nature; Somaliland has been eyeing on which country is going to be the pioneer for its recognition, where as the rest of the world would no doubt be the next. Recognition for Somaliland would mean the kick start of prosperity as it has already built the framework where it can move forward.

Somaliland, known as “Africa’s Best Kept Secret” has yet an other hopeful year by extending its hand to the World at large for recognition and support, as this would never open the Pandora’s Box in the world but instead bring a solution to the problems of the east African region. In contrast to the world’s vision on Somaliland and Somalia as a single country most of the somalilanders see it as putting humpty dumpty back together!!! And finally, 18th May mass celebrations across the globe are a direct message to the international community on how Somaliland is committed to be a sovereign state.

Congratulations to you all (Somalilanders) and never turn your ambitions down until that day appears ahead of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar

Posted on Qarannews, Togaherer, and California chronical on the eve of 18th may 2009.

Friday, July 3, 2009

What is the Role for Somaliland in the World Climate Change

Environment is a fundamental factor for the living conditions of all the living things. It is the foundation stone of the human life as we breathe in and out in it. It is an everlasting cosmic pleasure that helps us flow smoothly our daily routine activities. In addition to that__, it is Allah’s endowment to His creatures all. However, the climate deteriorations have touched the world as a whole, but the western countries in particular. Kyoto Protocol was therefore held in Japan and several unanimously agreed pre-emptive measures were made. Many prominent countries worldwide were the official signatories of this environmental pact, although, this issue seems to have been some what polarized later on, as it has created a contentious ecological, economical and political argument not directly but indirectly as well. This is because many countries in the developing world argued that this pact was western orchestrated climate treaty and had nothing to do with their own territories, as they had no remarkable gas emissions, which could hinder the beauty of their climate. On the other hand, many countries have successfully taken drastic measures to implement the pact and successfully minimized their environmental risks.

After almost a decade, the ecological related issues have again caused an international level concern. Washington seat for example, when President Bush experienced that the iceberg in the North Pole is melting down gradually, he launched a global level alarm on the survival of the polar bear and how the change could risk their lives. At this gesture__ many American famous personalities included politicians and other intellectuals have apparently flown with this issue__ where as many more people in the world were of the opinion that this was a politically motivated issue rather than climate concerns__ this is because the war on Iraq is still on and scores of innocent people are to massacre on daily basis on the grounds of so-called sectarianism and terrorism. This could be logic as there was no either a single world thermostat or a clear threat on thermo-nuclear impact that Washington could claim.

Anyhow, ecological related problems are widely acknowledged factor and have their own effect on the world’s living environment. On December 3rd, 2007 a similar international conference on climate change was inaugurated in Indonesia, named as the “United Nations Conference on Climate Change” with 10,000 people participants from 190 countries world wide. Talks were said to have been flown more scientific climate warnings. I am not really going to highlight the key achievements of this conference fostered by the United Nations, but the essence of my article is all about Somaliland’s role in this new world drive by the name “Climate Change”. Climate deterioration is attributed to several forces, but industrial emissions and greenhouse gas effects of developed and developing countries are the major factors. In Somaliland, however, we have no industrial muscle that could risk the climate; perhaps, we have a less number of small-scale industries (SSI) with less environmental effects. Again, we are victims of ecological related problems. One can ask; what is wrong with us since we have no industrial power to pollute the environment. Let me set you straight; we have created our portion by our bare hands. Deforestations and unfairly logging of even wet trees for firewood and charcoal consumptions is the underlying cause of the country’s environmental apprehensions. What forced me into framing this article is not really that I am a professional conservationist, but rather__ am of the view that every citizen has the right to maintain a conventional sense for preserving both environment and atmosphere.
One should not address a problem without finding the solution. The solution towards our environmental problem is quiet simple to be obtained, but mainly lies in the hands of the government and the native business bodies collectively. According to my point of evaluation, the most fanatic measure for tackling this horrible effect is that to adopt logic based environmental policy i.e. transformation of wood energy into gas energy like the other world out do.

The government and businessmen should join their hands together for importing cooking gas from the nearby countries rich with natural gases. Introduction of its consumption might not be a time consuming process, but presumably would take a short span of time, while focused on the major cities in the country. The firewood and charcoal consumptions of Hargeysa for example could be downed by say 60%, while the other major cities like Burao, Barbara, Borama, Erigavo and Las’anot would be revolved around 35%, 20%, 40%, 30%, and 20% respectively in accordance to the easy conformability to the usage of the gass. The other small towns across the country either urban or rural are however not taken into account, as their consumptions are far lesser than of the accounted cities. Fostering an effective Preservation Order, I strongly believe that it would not be far__ seeing the country 100% save from all environmental problems. Finally, I would like to appeal to the government, business personalities and the nation in general to flow this guideline and work side by side on this issue. Turn the key together for environmental preservations and hence grow development.

By: Khadar Abdi Hanan
E mail:
Posted on Hormoodnews on December 2007

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Soaring Prices of the Primary Goods Could Lead the whole Country into a Yawning Hell

Every human being is subjected to have a prosperous or sustainable life on the bases of his/her activity and creativity or in other words (his/her prescribed portion in life). However, the chances of sustaining life are not always in the hands of the ordinary people in toto but relevant to the level of chances created by both public and private sectors together. One of the world’s hottest current issues for to day is on the scarcity shadowed over the food and oil energy (primary goods) in the global markets; the prices of which have became more dearer than is expected yet on and on. Our people’s life is mainly dependent on the outside world either in income and food. The only bucks in circulation are those sent from the Diaspora. High levels of unemployment and lack of viable opportunities is what forced youth generations to evacuate and take the adventure of illegal immigration that results many drown into the dark oceans.

Somaliland is said to have consisted of 3.5 million strong population according to the latest statistics undertaken by the concerning bodies nationally/internationally, where everyone sustains less than a dollar a day in accordance to the weak per capita income of the country. Today another fear factor has massively faced the nation as a whole i.e. man made inflations on consumer goods. The increase in prices of rice and wheat flour for instance have been remarkably shot up owing to the black and white controversial global market images exported to many developing and under developing nations. According to the latest projections made by World Food Programme (WFP), to make a complete recovery from the global food crisis could take a ten years long time. In fact this may create every mouth and chow an internal insecurity and grip future apprehensions. Our businessmen have extremely exaggerated the risk of inflation, got a chance to freeze food unnecessarily in their bulky go downs keeping the price hotter and acquiring pocket-friendly returns. Apart from the essential commodities imported from abroad included food for life; the other domestically grown (if any) crops and vegetables for daily consumptions have taken the same path in price. No effective consumer protection, no consumer price index and that depicts how the concerned body (the Bureau of Libor Statistics) is completely impotent.

When you observe on the ordinary people, you could see them becoming more and more obsessive about the soaring inflations and what impact it has in the future. In the contrary, when you glance at the government authority runners the situation is absolutely upside down. Peace, peace, peace, peace should be prevalent; every one should maintain peace is the senseless political rhetoric dictated by the government to the uneducated people in an attempt to diverge the reality. Peace should of course be prevalent but by what means? If hunger, starvation, disease, unemployment takes the lead; everyone should obviously know that no peace could be breathed in. Peace starts from the stomach stability; no peace is above the inner peace. Has any politician regardless the president or the party leaders yet adopted a door to door visiting policy to know about the current situations of many natives or are they even sensitising to the dangers(inflation) threatening the lives of many families? Do they yet know that many families do not even lit fire for cooking daily meals? Do they; Do they?

Here is the bottom line; no people are born for hunger, live with disease or straggle with shoddy sellers and inflation mongers (businessmen), but this matter is mainly a human made havoc. On the other hand, it is a financial and ethical strangulation made by our government. Our life stock exportations have been narrowed down to a single buyer (Al-jabiri) and the oil imports had also been monopolized by a single seller (TOTAL). Life stock acts as the crude oil of our country; it is the only source that plays an important role in the country’s economic muscle and balance of payment; it is the only national treasure that we could claim of, but in fact turned into nothing as it is sold at cattle feeding prices in our domestic animal markets and gold prices in the golf animal market arenas. A $30 US dollar price in and $130+ out is the worry and nerve-racking drive of everyone in home. Almost two sheep/goats for a sack of rice/wheat, but good operating margins for the president and his team in office has became a double blow for every wise person in the country.

The president, parliament, elders and ministers should know what they have taken the oath is nothing but preserving the nation and helping them alleviate from all social hardships. As the matter of fact, the very essence of responsibility sounds like something awkward, every government office and portfolio acts as a one-stop-shop service for those who are responsible. If the government has a single iota of mercy for its nation it has to promptly release the brakes to development, lift ban all kinds of life-stock exportation, adopt tax-free policy on all primary goods imports, adopt a strong commitment to foster effective consumer protection mechanisms and continuous course correction to monitor and control the inflation and inflation-mongers, and hence initiate a productive political and strategic future out-look. If all that fails Somaliland will no longer be a never-never land.

Khaddar Hanan

Posted by Somaliland Time, Hargeysa
Vol. 7 issue 338
Date: July 12 2008

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chewing Qatt and Internet over Browsing have risen alarmingly in Hyderabad (India)


Parents are the only investors, students are the only gainers, Teachers are the only givers, Universities/Colleges are the only hosts and, of course, Country is the only shelters for the students come from the edges of the world.

Many parents see as a double standard advantage while sending their children abroad for higher education. Firstly, it is a chance to help them educate and value their personality. Secondly, it is a chance to help them escape from the environmental and social factors that effect the upcoming generations, such as, chewing Qatt and Smoking, which plays a key role in the distractive side of the Somali and East-African peoples as a whole, as they spend most of their times on sitting, chatting and chewing Qatt to gather in the Teahouses and other Somali traditional Qatt pubs (Marfash), instead of doing and spending much of their times on the other necessary issues for both themselves and people.

I am going to highlight here neither the problem of the Qatt to humans nor how its price became more dearer, as we are all familiar with the merits and demerits it has in terms of (health, finance, and family etc) and how its problems were long conundrum, but what am going to tell is that, Qatt (the so called Somali mind soother) is on board 3 to 4 times a week the India bound flights from East-Africa, specifically, Ethiopia and Kenya and then, takes the driver’s seat moving students from their common fashion into the long standing hallucinations that are far beyond explanations. It is usual, that Qatt torchs behind chewers wherever they go in the world and its consumption proportionally increase with their number, and like that, Qatt is currently reached the highest ever in Hyderabad, Bombay, Pune and several other cities. Some may irritate or feel insecure about this article by asking themselves such weak questions. What forced Mr. Khadar to write about Qatt? What does it to him? Does he pay the students for buying Qatt? Does he imports? Does he? Does he? Does he?.............................? This is not the matter, but any problem could not be solved before being fully addressed and remember that,” you can not solve your problems until you know what they are”.

We have started this article with the fact that, parents are the only investors in the education of their children abroad and of course did the needful all the way receiving them back as experts, innovators, leaders, connoisseurs, etc. They are willing to have something from you in exchange for what they have done for you. They are all willing you take the hot seat (responsibility) by your self and let them relax and get relief. Now, on the contrary, ask yourselves these fruitful questions if you have a healthy moral value. Do your parents deserve to get something from you? Do your lecturers/instructors deserve not to attend their classes? Do your colleges deserve not to pay their fees? Does the country deserve not to live in peace within.........? Answers are for you.

Internet over Browsing

Internet technology was first came India in the mid 1990s. The first Indian city to have installed this technology was Mumbai “state capital city of Maharashtra”. This city is also known as the Business Hub/Commercial Hub of the country. Most of the people (say more than 90%) had no sufficient idea about this technology, which was why only few people mostly in business and government jobs used it. At the end of the millennium internet consumption has exponentially increased and became famous across the other cities and states in the country. To day, internet facilities had also been fetched into the rural areas in an attempt to enable them educate and be equipped with the latest global technical know how.

Internet is technically said to be “the world’s under information highway/gateway” as it has made the entire globe as a small village where people could meet and interact with each other. However, the Somali students generally consume this technology by reaching out their nearest and dearest at home and the other world. It is the most reliable communications in use to day, the cost of which is pocket friendly. Internet technology bears a number of advantages and disadvantages. It has advantages as you can refer and learn many things from it, either education or the other relevant information around the world etc. Internet also has numerous communication and business facilities, such as E-commerce/dematerialized business, sending ordinary mails electronically, text chatting, voice chatting/phone chatting etc. Notwithstanding, one of the most demanding of the internet is that of chatting, specially “PALTALK”. If we linguistically describe this word, we see that it is a combination of two different words: PAL+TALK. When these words are combined together, they form a single word “PALTALK”, this is known as combined form grammatically. PAL is an English word (old use/fashioned), meaning “a friend” and TALK is a verb, which means “to say something/speak). Now, once these two words are pronounced in the combined form the only thing that would come into our minds is the narrow chatting window provided through the world’s netted computers.

What I really appreciate is that, to day many Somali teenagers are interacting with one an other through the internet by sharing their thoughts, ideas, and of course, building families through a fruitful dating and love. Paltalk has many rooms to join: Some people join in the Religious/Islamic breaching chambers. Many join in fun making rooms. Many join in the political discussion rooms etc. On the contrary, the students’ access to this facility has invited a negative and ever lasting problem, as they became chatting freak. We know that the Somali community are scattered around the world and like wise, their browsing times are different due to their geographical locations, which is why everyone comes online his/her convenience. In Hyderabad, the problems related to internet browsing have risen among the Somali students alarmingly. All internet caves located in the student dominated areas in the city are filled with them, chatting with their families and friends around the world. Iga cassee, Tuur, Gacanta soo taago, Mac mac, soo qabso, luuqa soo gal etc. are the common Somali phrases spoken in paltalk. Talking the PALTALK related issues are somewhat considered to be more irritating than that of Qatt and make also many people feel insecure to see or hear about it. Even personally, I met a grim opposition from some of my friends who are paltalkers, but finally requested not to highlight the touchy parts of it, which I don not even know what those parts are. If you ask paltalkers about the fact they usually go on line and remain vigilant throughout whole the night, none of them would give you a concurrent response, one of only few responses you could draw is “we use it as a time pass”. If you put this on an analytical platform “is it a time pass while they could not wake up early for their classes and colleges”! All you can get from them are funny stories like the old fairy-tales and make you laugh a lot and leave.
All in all, the internet problems clearly appear in the students’ living standard and needs an urgent hand to help them alleviate this deeply touching addiction besides chewing Qatt and smoking cigarettes.

Khadar Abdi Hanan

Posted on Somaliweyn, Hormoodnews and others on 06-06-07