Somalia had perfectly
conformed to a sinister road map drawn by some exogenous powers using her
frontline neighbors with other African countries as their mere Trojan-horse to
accomplish their consciously architected plots against the Somali people and
they really succeeded it. The thousands of AMISOM troops deployed to Somalia
under the name of “UN backed African Union peace-keeping mission” have like
Black-water agendas to execute, arrest, intimidate, rape and steal as much
wealth as they can. Their hidden agenda is to disintegrate further the Somali
people state and social wise, turn against each other among themselves,
compartmentalize and later on balkanize the entire country into small puppet
territories, so that dictate to every small part in the way fits in their both
common and individual interests . Their mission is apparently too dire savagery
in disguise and far beyond humanitarian mission.
The endless whole sale and retail
topsy-turvydom in Somalia have caused the people suffer from horrible crimes
committed by their collective savages viz. government soldiers, African troops
and Terrorist out fits. The Human Rights Watch (HRW) report released in Nairobi
recently on how the so-called African Peace Keeping Mission abuses with
impunity the very venerable women who enter their military-facilities for
seeking medical help or fetch drinking water __ hurts a lot not only every
compatriot, but the very essence of human consciousness. Crimes being committed by such armed
strangers within the existence of all weak yet corruption ridden institutions
that forms the Somali government headed by President Hassan Sheikh. If African Union enjoys the power loop
wholes of its host nation and feel it like a congenial atmosphere to work in;
history would never exonerate them and the lost accountability would one day be
materialized in the face of justice. Furthermore, it would be a shameful amulet
that would keep hanging from the neck of President Hassan Sheikh and his
government officials; it would as well remain a social disgrace amongst the
entire nation whose actions bread the seeds that germinate the endless vicious-cycle
in the country.
The African Mission’s carnivorous
troop actions manifest the vacuum of neither strong military code of conduct
from within nor external regulations imposed by the Somali government. The
chain of invasions orchestrated by exorbitant powers of similar types on
Somalia since the genesis of her implosion in 1991__ had been committing almost
the same fashion of abuses amongst the Somali people. All the different crimes so
committed differently by Somali different invaders since then, remain not apprehended
and the incurable deep wounds so reached the Somali impoverished people still
bleeds from inside. This is because, apart from feared social stigma reprisals; the Somali strong yet conservative culture have instigated into
the hearts of thousands of raped women to omit their ordeals; forced them
accept to live with the physical and psychological scars reached by the heinous
abuses against them. Thousands of tortured innocent civilians accepted to live
with their pain without fear; yet thousands of war disabled, orphans and widows
had accepted the reality to live with such conditions never pleases a living
soul to bear.
The HRW group have mentioned in
their report that very young girls below the age of 15 are among the victims of
this inhuman crimes. Some of the victims are said to have even contracted with
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from their abusers. The heart agonizing
feeling is on how these internally displaced people (IDP) especially women had
become a defenseless prey for such foreign cannibals within their very
unfortunate homelands. Burundian
and Ugandan solders are said to have been the culprits of all the abuses so far
recorded, however, the military basis of the other forces on the similar
mission__ viz. Kenyan, Djiboutian and Sierra Leon was difficult to be
penetrated, but believed to have had the same abuses done in their premises as
well (the report adds). All these systematic crimes against the priceless Somali
women were neither a Stockholm syndrome nor a choice less sale of their bodies per
se, but a deliberate force to degrade further the already depleted pride of the
Somali people at large and in particular our women.
The other nerve-racking issue is
that, all the ugly-missions’ soldiers enjoy with the blessings of the exclusive
jurisdictions by their root-countries and no strictly monitored external
disciplinary guidelines were ever placed in the best interest of the protection
of any potential wrong doings against the Somali people.
Where things have gone wrong?
It is certain phenomena that once
foreign troops are dispatched to a foreign country with either politically
motivated or humanitarian mission, they virtually commit to crimes against
humanity. Just glance back at what NATO, UN and US missions have done with the people
of Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, and many other countries out of their jurisdictions.
Most crimes committed by combined forces of NATO and US are by drone
bombardments on the civilian cities targeting individuals whom they have
concerns in their so-called war on terror. To see troops with a clean sheet
would be very unlikely if not impossible because it is perhaps a psycho driven
action and counter reaction in the absence of noble self-restraint. UN, NATO and
US led troops, however, have their own combat-code-of-conducts in place with
respect of their soldiers’ extra judicial crimes. It’s hard to be digested fact,
that the AMISOM mission in Somalia lacks any common curbs on their loathsome behavior
with their absolutely unprotected people.
A thoroughly investigation of
these crimes is wisely acceptable to be undertaken as being hinted by the AU
officers, but again those who are responsible to check and monitor the genuine
process are the officers of the same mission. This is like a thief entrusted to
judge a theft-case in which he was involved. Would he judge justly? The answer is NO.
Government merry-go-round
Power hunger, bureaucratism,
tribalism, opportunism and corruption etc. are the only commodities that are widely
traded well within the government in Mogadishu. The bureaucratic MPs who represent
the needy people are made like voting machines in the influence of whoever bid
to tap the power steering to drive the nation. Notwithstanding, cabinet ministers are transformed to
external stooges implementing commands given by the above said extraneous
powers. Imagine why every new prime minister appointed and the incumbent
president often have immediate loggerheads that would prompt untimely
legislative meetings to redress the portfolio they have already ratified. Why
such misunderstanding often arises between two intimate friends who came
forward together to serve their ruined nation? Why? Why?
On the other hand, stray
government soldiers feel no sympathy for their exposed people either, owing to
the fact that many of them are challenging with undiagnosed trauma inflicted by
the long-standing hostilities of every scale. Many more of them are trained by
the abusers in their countries and programmed with the same versions of abominate
ideologies; where as many others have slipped into the whim of the extremism by
giving them an audacious help to act against the nation and the
Politicians often believe in that
the ends would justify the means; all campaign rhetoric often fades away soon
as they fit their self into the seats. But their words would never deplete from
the hearts of the cheated nation. Surely, all the abuses against our brethren
are happening in the absence of strong and just governance. Still Somalis are people
in search for the right leaders and a country in search for the right people”.
May ALLAAH SWT guide the Somali
people to the righteous bath and the wisdom to know the stake they have in
their future.
By: Khadar Hanan
Doha, Qatar.